10 random things about me.
1. I LOVE to cook, I cook dinner everynight and I love to try new things.
2. I can make a dolphine noise and a car alarm noise.
3. I had to get my wisdom teeth out a month after giving birth to Jarren. In which I got an infection and dry sockets, not the best experience.
4. I had to have two toe nails removed after having my wisdom teeth removed because of how much swelling I had in my feet while pregnant. (the first two months after birth were from heck.)
5. In the past 5 years something bad has always happened on my birthday, some of which include: 2 family friends died on my birthday in different years, knee surgery, a colonoscopy... the list goes on.
6. I love to scrapbook. Unfortunantly my wedding scrapbook is put on hold for now, while I'm working on Jarren's. I want to try to keep up with his growth rather than go back and do it all at once.
7. I love to sew, I've made several quilts and clothing in my life time. Latest was Jake's Utah Jazz quilt for his birthday.
8. I go ghost hunting with my friends.
9. I've lived in 7 different cities in two states. But 18 out of 21 years have been in Utah.
10. I hate chocolate.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
I've been tagged!
Posted by Jessica at 11:37 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Art and Mastery...

Posted by Jessica at 12:27 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Amazing Man
I just found out about 30 minutes ago that the President of our church died. It's a sad moment for us on Earth, but I'm sure there are many rejoices in heaven, including from his wife. I'm so happy he gets to be with her again. Things like this make you grateful for the time you have with people. He was an amazing man and did amazing things for our church. We will always remember him and the impact he had on everyone, including non-members.
We love you President Hinckley
Posted by Jessica at 8:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Happy Birthday Jake...4 days early.
Hubalub's birthday is on Tuesday and we had a "friend party" for him tonight. It was pretty fun. We had lots of pizza, snacks...chips and salsa, Brian's famous GUACAMOLE DIP MMmmmm, some candy and cookies and I made Jake a freakin sweet cake. I haven't made an actual "birthday cake" outside of a pan before, you know where you frost the whole thing and decorate, I thought it turned out pretty well and he loved it so that is all that matters right?

Posted by Jessica at 2:29 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
What does it take to be a Winner..?
For those of you who don't know Kirk or who I am talking about, I will tell you about Kirk. I worked at wonderful XanGo with Kirk. We had a good beginning of a friendship in Kirk's Will Call...Yes Kirk I will let Will Call be yours if I win this. Kirk is a graduate from BYU, yes BYU. Kirk is single, to all you single girls who read this.
Posted by Jessica at 8:20 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
It's official...
I'm a VAMPIRE! No really, I went to the doctor's today and got some sleeping pills that supposedly won't make me groggy in the morning. So tonight might be the first time in about 3 months that I go to bed before 12...maybe. He said I might have to up my dosage after 3 days if it doesn't work...so I might not make it before 12, but we shall hope.
In other news, I might try working out with Tube Socks thanks to Kirks message and medical disclaimer. And also Nicki's persistence's.
Also after talking with Kirk on messenger I have a quote of the day:
lol and love, pretty much if it starts with L it is said to make someone feel better
Posted by Jessica at 3:13 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
Goals said out loud
Lately whenever I hear someone talk about goals lately I hear them say "Say it out loud to someone" and one guy even added on to that say "that way if you don't reach your goal you can be embarrassed that you didn't."
So here is one of my many goals for this year, this way I can either accomplish it or be embarrassed the next time I cross one of your paths :)
My number one goal was to loose 60lbs this year. I am more over weight than I have ever been in my life! I know I know everyone keeps saying I just had a baby, but it's been 6 months. I wasn't at my ideal weight to begin with when I got pregnant. So even if I were to only loose 15 pounds every 3 months I would reach this goal. HOPEFULLY I loose more than that every three months, but I'll make it easy on myself. (and be less embarrassed if I don't)
So far this month I have lost 12 lbs. I seem to be stuck though, I did some isagenix to loose some of that, but it's so expensive for this newly married (1 1/2 years) and newly momma'd woman to afford. If only it were cheaper...awww oh well. Drinking lots of water and chewing lots of gum will have to do for now.
So to everyone out there that reads this, this is my goal ... and I will tell it to all of you so that it will push me harder to accomplish it.
Posted by Jessica at 1:40 AM 7 comments
Saturday, January 19, 2008
AHHH I've lost you...
I changed my template and some how it deleted my friends. Please if I don't have you on the new list give me your blogger addres so I can re-add you and feed my daily addictions of reading.
Thanks :)
P.S. I know I'm missing Yersa and Amanda, so if you could send your site my way I would appreciate it!
Posted by Jessica at 2:23 AM 4 comments
Sleep Deprivation...
Since about the end of October or beginning of November I cannot sleep! Jarren goes to bed finally between 11 and 12 and I can't go to sleep until 2 or 3...I'm actually awake still most of the time when Jake gets up for his job.
I am lucky that Jarren sleeps the whole night, he usually wakes up between 7 and 10 to eat. But rarely is it before 7. I just don't feel like I get any sleep if I go to bed after 12. I can't take sleeping pills, they make me feel groggy. I've tried Ambien and Unisom and it's kinda hard to take them because Jarren doesn't go to sleep until 11 or 12. So if I take them at that time I'm going to be sleeping until noon.
Because of lack of sleep my whole day doesn't start out very well. I wish I could just wake up at 8 and get my exercising done, instead I end up working out at 3pm.
Any suggestions on how to fix my problem? I would prefer to not take sleeping pills, any natural ways? I don't know if my internal clock was just messed up somehow or what...I can't take this much longer though.
Posted by Jessica at 1:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Jarren playing rocket ship
Jarren loves this game. It makes me laugh with him everytime.
Posted by Jessica at 7:37 PM 2 comments