Today Jarren ate his breakfast with a spoon. I know this isn't that exciting, but it's taken a lot of work to get this stubborn boy to do it. I did have to help him scoop up the food because he couldn't get the angle right, but then he would stick it straight into his mouth. He did this for like 5 minutes and then got bored and went back to his hands ha.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
About me
I figured I should blog something actually about me. Lately it's been Jarren and Photography. (Thanks to everyone who sent people my way for pictures, I've been booked! I'm going to have to start charging now though.) Anyway, this morning I was super excited. I put on my pair of pants that is a size smaller than what I usually wear, and they FIT! FINALLY! After a year and a half of not being able to wear them. I'm not going to lie, I've been trying them on periodically to see if I can squeeze into them and I would get them buckled up but if I bent over my butt would fall out. This time I didn't have to squeeze and I actually had to use a belt!
It feels good to loose weight. I've officially made it below my pre-pregnancy weight, but I still have 40 more lbs to go. I'm determined. It. Will. Happen.
Posted by Jessica at 10:24 AM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Best Ever
I did some pictures tonight of my friends baby. She was adorable. This is by far the cutest picture I've ever taken.
It looks like a back drop behind her, but really those were the clouds in the sky, it turned out pretty cool. The rest of her pictures are on my photo blog, there some really cool pictures from the photo shoot.
Posted by Jessica at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Happy birthday to me.'s true, today is my birthday. 22 years! I know that's not old, but it seems like it was just yesterday I met Jake (14 years old) or even got my license.
I'm hoping today goes well. The last 7 years something bad has always happened on my birthday.
16 years old- my friends mom died on my birthday, very emotional, hard day
17 years old- Had a big fight with my then boyfriend, ended up slapping him cause he called me names that were uncalled for and then got a very irritating call from his dad that night saying no matter what his son did I shouldn't have slapped him and he should call the cops on's alright I don't like that whole family anymore.
18 years old - I moved out the day before my 18th birthday so there was no party or happy birthday's or anything. College started like the next day or was just a night of me sitting at my apt with people I didn't know ... not so fun.
19 years old - Had knee surgery 3 days before and was on heavy pain killers in bed all day
20 years old- Just got back from my honeymoon, had ulcers and had to have a colonoscopy...which meant I had to drink a gallon of laxitive that night. AND a close family friend in our ward died...(people like to die on my birthday)
21 years old - It wasn't necessarily BAD, but I had just had a baby and couldn't really do much since I had a c-section I was still healing.
So all my friends, family and loved ones out there...please do not die today ... or call the cops on me, and maybe I'll have a good one this year and break the cycle.
Posted by Jessica at 12:17 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
a few of my favs
I took a few pictures of Jarren and Jake after church on sunday, here are a couple of my favorites, the rest (and soon to be more) are on my photography blog. If anyone wants to see them.
Posted by Jessica at 10:54 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
subjects needed
Here is an email I sent out to friends and family...if I didn't include you on the email it is because I didn't have your email on that account. But the same applies to you.
Hi Everyone,
I figure if I'm going to start my business by word of mouth, family and friends are the best way to do that! After several years of photography I've decided to start my own little business,on the side, doing what I love!
I need to get some more experience in certain fields though, and in order to do that I'm offering to do some stuff for free. If any of you know anyone in Utah who need the following types of photographs taken or would just be willing to be my guinea pigs I would love for you to give them my contact information!
Here is what I need some practice in and I will do the sessions for free! Next to the type of photography is the number of different families I need.
3 Family Photo sessions (including couples only)
2 Weddings
2 Bridals
2 Engagements (I already have one lined up, but 2 others would still be nice)
2 Children (baby photos included)
2 Custom (Could be sports, senior pictures, bands etc.)
I also do baby announcements, and since I'm trying to get experience in the "baby category" I will do a 2 layouts for them for $10.
I don't do the printing...yet :) so what I do is put everything on a CD and then they can get the specific pictures they want developed wherever they want. If any of you want any of these photos done for you let me know as soon as possible because I would love to do them for free for you!
My website is I will constantly update with new photos on there. That way you can see my type of photography.
Anyway, my contact information for Jao Photography is:
(I had my phone number here but I'm not listing it on a website so email me if you want to talk on the phone and I will email it back to you)
Let me know as soon as possible!
I will be doing photography anyday in the evenings and on Saturdays. Thanks everyone!!
Posted by Jessica at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
So I sent the pictures to my friend that I took of her baby and she showed them to her mom who owns a scrapbooking store. Her mom said that she LOVED my pictures and wants to promote my photography in her store. I need to pick two pictures that I like best for her to put out on display, please vote and tell me which numbers you like best!


Posted by Jessica at 11:42 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
New pictures
I posted a few of the pictures I took while playing around with my camera. They are on my photo website if you want to take a look. Let me know what you think!
The baby is my friends little girl, she has SO much hair!!
Posted by Jessica at 11:30 PM 0 comments