Saturday, October 31, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My Biggest Craving

I will not lie, I LOVE this stuff right now. I go through 2-3 gallons a week.
This last week I went through a gallon in one day.
It can start to get expensive.
Posted by Jessica at 2:28 PM 1 comments
"BOU Football"
Yes, you read that correct. Jarren is obsessed with "BOU Football". Jake has season tickets to BYU football with our friend Jason, who takes his three kids. So, Jake takes Jarren. All week long I hear about going to BOU Football. Anytime we get ready to leave the house he says he's going to football.
He loves to do anything his daddy does. Baseball and BYU football being the top two. If I'm not tricky when getting him dressed he would end up wearing his BYU shirt and BYU hat EVERYDAY! So I come up with reasons why he can't. Especially after he's worn it two days in a row because I don't want to fight with him about it. He wears his BYU hat 5 days out of the week and his spiderman hat the rest of the time. He is a hat lover, just like his dad.
*Side note: Jarren just woke up while I was writing this, so it reminds me. I don't know what to do anymore, I can't have two kids waking up at night when the baby comes. Jarren used to be such a good sleeper until about 1 year old. Then it went down hill. He wakes up 2+ times a night. Usually it's just 2, but some nights it's worse. It's usually like clock work too. First time he wakes up is around 12am. Then he wakes up sometime between me going to sleep around 12 or 1 and Jake getting home at 8am. He just comes and crawls in bed with me, without waking me up half the time. I don't know he's there til morning. I don't know how to break him of this. ESPECIALLY since I'm not awake half the time. Any ideas?
On a more serious note. Jake and I have a friend we grew up with that has gotten pneumonia and then got H1N1. She has been in a medically induced coma since I believe Sunday Morning sometime. The doctors say she is currently stable but aren't sure if she is going to pull through or not. She is such a happy fun person. She can make anyone laugh and I just can't believe that she is going through this. Please keep her in your prayers. The blog where her family is keeping everyone updated is this If you want to read up on her condition or are interested in what is going on they update it pretty often.
Posted by Jessica at 12:11 AM 3 comments
Thursday, October 15, 2009
We Moved?
Apparently I live in Denver, CO. Whenever I visit anyone's blog that has a tracker, it says my location is in Denver. Anyone know why that might be?
I can assure you we are in Lehi, UT.
Posted by Jessica at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The secret is out...

I am pregnant.
Our estimated due date is May 20, 2010.
We are excited.
Yes, it was planned.
Posted by Jessica at 5:03 PM 5 comments
Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad cold.
That's what I have.
Stuffy/runny nose, very sore throat, sinus headache.
Posted by Jessica at 4:09 PM 1 comments