Wednesday, December 26, 2007
A Very Merry White Christmas

Posted by Jessica at 12:11 AM 2 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Posted by Jessica at 8:57 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Oh one more thing...SNOW
We got soooo much snow over the weekend. The tree outside our balcony looked so cool, this picture doesn't do it justice but I thought I would share. It looked like this most of the night and then some kids came and shook the tree, it was disappointing.
Posted by Jessica at 11:26 PM 0 comments
Big Boy!
Jarren is getting so big and learning so many new things I can hardly believe it!
Some new things Jarren is doing or has been doing for about a month:
1. Holding his own bottle (most the time)
2. Laughing really hard when we do something funny or undress/dress him
3. Grabbing everything and shoving it into his mouth
4. Putting his arms out when he wants us
5. Rolling across the floor
6. Eating cereal and last week the doc had me start him on veggies (we've been trying out peas)
7. Talking really loud so everyone will pay attention to him
8. Raising his eyebrows for certain expressions
9. Sitting up on our laps on his own (he doesn't like leaning back he has to be leaning forward)
10. Standing on the ground holding onto our fingers
He is such a big boy and he knows it. He wants to be doing all the big boy things. Doesn't like just sitting there if he can help it. Tonight Jake was standing Jarren up on his lap and Jarren would bend his knees and Jake would "blast" him up into the air and Jarren thought it was so funny! He would come back down and bend his knees again cause he knew that meant he would get blasted off into the air. Jake probably did this about 20 times over and over again then his arms got tired and had to stop, Jarren was upset about that.
Posted by Jessica at 11:19 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
Christmas Cards
This is to everyone we didn't get Christmas Cards out to. We are sending them today, so I apologize if you didn't get one.
Posted by Jessica at 11:29 AM 1 comments